Low-slope/PAMD accessible parking and field blinds [Michigan]
Michigan Department of Natural Resources Full Details
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Full Details
- Title
- Low-slope/PAMD accessible parking and field blinds [Michigan]
- Description
- The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) does have many locations or features which help or particularly benefit those public users, photography enthusiasts, birdwatchers, or hunters who have special mobility needs and benefit from special accessible conditions to reach our outdoor and wildlife resources. The DNR website has details and a wide variety of accessible, ADA compliant rules, guidelines and features and (see webpage http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-153-10366_41825---,00.html and subpage on hunting / wildlife information at http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-153-10366_41825_51108---,00.html ). Users may require only walking assistance devices or may be those with specific wheelchairs, personal assistive mobility devices (PAMDs), or other motorized-type vehicles. Please check rules for specific rules, regulations, and restrictions as they relate to what equipment might be used, before using such equipment, as not all equipment legal on public places, residential or commercial buildings, or such are allowed on all areas of Michigan's public land managed by the DNR. Accessible features on State Wildlife/Game Area include those which have low-slope, no stairs or steps along features, and are accessible for wheelchairs, or personal assistive mobility devices (PAMDs). All buildings, DNR Shooting-Ranges, and other permanent public use structures are fully ADA compliant and accessible. It is the more natural features being identified in this layer. Many of these features are fully ADA code compliant (which is ~1 inch rise or less over 12 inch distances) and are regularly checked for obstructions, while other features comply with the low-slope requirements or are identified as such so they are not over-represented to a lower or no slope level. In natural rustic areas it can be difficult to maintain these slope limits and to clearing check for naturally-occurring obstructions like leaves, sticks or other naturally occurring items which blow or wash onto trails or outside features. Therefore, features are frequently identified as no-slope or low-slope/PAMD levels and not over-represented as fully ADA compliant. The DNR Wildlife Division is in a updated state-wide review to identify features and provide better information on accessible features, such as by GIS compatible layers provided here. Accessible features typically include accessible combinations of parking, a trail and a destination location like a platform or blind location; read the attribute fields like the "comment" field, for details on what is at the provided data point, line or polygon. Although available for use by anyone, it's hoped consideration for use will be given to those individuals that have limited mobility, please, for use of these accessible parking, trails, blinds or platforms, and other features. Patience is appreciated for local site conditions which might be caused by weather, wind or rain, wildlife or other public users; please report any problems with features to either the local DNR Wildlife office or the main DNR Wildlife help options (e-mail DNR-Wildlife@michigan.gov , or call 517-284-9453).
- Creator
- Michigan Department of Natural Resources
- Temporal Coverage
- Last modified 2022-08-15
- Date Issued
- 2016-10-26
- Rights
- This dataset is a public record and, as more fully described below, there are no restrictions on the use, reproduction, or distribution of this dataset. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the public release of this dataset should not be construed, expressed or implied, as to whether any use constitutes a legally permissible purpose. It is the sole responsibility of the user to determine if the data is usable for their purposes. This dataset is provided “AS IS” and on an “AS AVAILABLE” basis. The State of Michigan (“State”) makes no warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, timeliness, or completeness of this dataset. The State also does not make any warranties, express or implied, for the continued quality, accuracy, or currency of this dataset after it has been downloaded, nor the quality or accuracy of any analyses or re-uses of this dataset. THE STATE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS DATASET AND ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED TO YOU, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. THE STATE WILL NOT BE LIABLE, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, FOR ANY CLAIM FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS AND LOST BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, RELATED TO THE ACCESS OR USE OF THIS DATASET. IN NO EVENT WILL THE STATE BE LIABLE FOR ANY AMOUNTS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE ACCESS OR USE OF THIS DATASET, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE. You forever release the State, its departments, subdivisions, officers, and employees from all claims, rights, actions, demands, damages, liabilities, expenses and fees, which arise out of or relate to your access or use of this dataset. You must defend, indemnify and hold the State, its departments, subdivisions, officers, and employees harmless, without limitation, from and against all actions, claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs, attorney fees, and expenses (including those required to establish the right to indemnification) arising out of or relating to your access or use of this dataset. The State reserves the right to modify or remove this dataset for any reason, without notice, at any time. Nothing in these terms constitutes or is intended to be a limitation upon, or waiver of, any privileges and immunities that apply to the State. These terms are governed by and interpreted under the laws of the State of Michigan without regard to conflict of laws provisions. These terms do not apply to other materials or content, including maps or logos, that may be located on the site or portal containing this dataset and that may be protected by intellectual property rights such copyright, trademark, or patent. Nothing in these terms should be construed, expressed or implied, as impacting any existing rights or licenses in such materials or content, if any.
- Access Rights
- Public
- Format
- File
- Language
- English
- Date Added
- March 08, 2023
Cite and Reference
Michigan Department of Natural Resources (2016). Low-slope/PAMD accessible parking and field blinds [Michigan]. . https://gis-michigan.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/midnr::low-slope-pamd-accessible-parking-and-field-blinds (web service) -
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