A 100 m spatial resolution geotiff of motorised travel time in seconds to nearest health facility in Malawi. The data was generated using the Child Poverty and Access to Services (CPAS) software (10.5281/zenodo.4638563) and was created as part of the CPAS project within the Data for Children Collaborative. The travel time is calculated assuming driving speeds of local public transport options on all-weather roads/asphalt roads and walking speeds on all other roads, tracks, paths and land cover types. A full description is available [here](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01274-w) a video description of the data is also available [here](https://www.dataforchildrencollaborative.com/outputs/presentation-a-100m-resolution-travel-time-map) Projection system is: GCS_WGS_1984 EPSG 4326 for all