Hydro (Polygon And Line) [Wisconsin--Door County] {2021}
This data represents hydrography for Door County, Wisconsin in 2021 and includes the layers 'DOOR_HYDRO_2021_LINE' and 'DOOR_HYDRO_2020_POLY'. [DOOR_HYDRO_2021_LINE: Stream_swi3 was derived from Surface Water Inventory of Door County - December 2000. Source files included hydrographic features collected as part of 1994 digital base map project. DOOR_HYDRO_2020_POLY: Lakes-Ponds_swi2 was derived from Surface Water Inventory of Door County - December 2000. Source files included hydrogrpahic features collected as part of 1994 digital base map project.], This is an archived copy of the data held at UW-Madison.