North American Breeding Bird Survey Stop Locations, Wisconsin [Wisconsin] {2019}
Wisconsin. Department of Natural Resources
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North American Breeding Bird Survey Stop Locations, Wisconsin [Wisconsin] {2019}
This data represents breeding bird locations for Wisconsin in 2019.[Estimation of the Wisconsin stop locations for the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS). The primary purpose of this effort was for Wisconsin DNR to import BBS records into the Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas, but other researchers are welcome to make use of this file if they find it useful. See this item's full metadata for more detail on the methodologies used, as well as field definitions.This is NOT an official U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) product. Please see for the latest data release and information regarding the official route maps for the North American Breeding Bird Survey. This data was developed by Nicholas M. Anich, Wisconsin DNR and Eli D. Striegel, UW-Milwaukee. Please contact with any corrections. Include the route, stop number, and latitude and longitude in decimal degree, WGS 84.Thanks to Glen Fredlund UW-Milwaukee, and Mikey Lutmerding USGS for support of this project, and thanks to the many WI BBS volunteers who recorded stop locations for us!], This is an archived copy of the data held at UW-Madison. For access to the most current data, please visit: