PLS Corners with Native Vegetation Information [Minnesota]
Minnesota. Department of Natural Resources
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PLS Corners with Native Vegetation Information [Minnesota]
A point database storing information on vegetation type information and general location of bearing trees used in conjunction with the original Public Land Survey (PLS). This database contains the actual location of section corners, rather than the location of the bearing trees themselves. The data are derived from land surveyor notes, which include descriptions of vegetation and landscape characteristics along survey transects. This database is described in greater detail in the publication: Minnesota's Bearing Tree Database, by John Almendinger, Biological Report No. 56, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, 1997., The data set is one source of information for scientists wishing to model environmental and ecological conditions present at the time of the original PLS survey., The data are derived from original survey notes that cover the period of 1846-1908.
Minnesota. Department of Natural Resources (n.d.). PLS Corners with Native Vegetation Information [Minnesota]. . (dataset)