Plug-in Electrical Vehicles (PEVs) at the Census Block Group Level [New Jersey] Full Details
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Full Details
- Title:
- Plug-in Electrical Vehicles (PEVs) at the Census Block Group Level [New Jersey]
- Description:
- Current (2021) and projected numbers of Plug-in Electrical Vehicles (PEVs) at the census block group level for the Delaware Valley region. The projected PEV distribution is based on a scenario in which 5 percent of passenger vehicles in the Greater Philadelphia region (or about 200,000 vehicles) are PEVs.Also includes data projecting workplace charging demand in number of charging events and kilowatt-hours of demand by census block group based on the aforementioned PEV projections for the following three scenarios: - workplace charging is free (free charging), - workplace charging is twice the cost of home charging (paid charging). The following datasets were used to obtain these results using the EV Planning Toolkit:- 2021 vehicle registration data provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation- 2021 vehicle registration data from the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission provided by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection- 2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-year Estimates- LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistics (LODES), version 7- Block group-to-block group commuting distances from DVRPC's Travel Improvement Model 2.1, accessed December 2017.- Block group-to-block group commuting distances calculated from Esri's ArcGIS Network Analyst, used in 2017.FieldAliasDescriptionGEOID10GEOID10Census Block Group identifierMun_NameMunicipality NameThe name of the municipality in which the Block Group liesGEOID_MuniGEOID of MunicipalityMunicipality identifierSQMI_LANDLand areaSquare miles of land areaPOPPopulationNumber of peopleHOUSUNITHousing UnitsNumber of housing unitsJOBSJobsNumber of jobsPASS_VEHNumber of Passenger VehiclesNumber of passenger vehicles per block group as of 2021CurPEVCurrent Number of PEVsNumber of PEVs per block group as of 2021FutPEVProjected Number of PEVsNumber of projected PEVs per block group at 5% regional penetrationCuPEV_SMCurrent PEVs per square mileNumber of PEVs per square mile in the block group as of 2021FUPEV_SMProjected PEVs per square mileNumber of projected PEVs per square mile per block group at 5% regional penetrationCuPEVPopCurrent number of PEVs per 100 peopleNumber of PEVs per 100 people per block group as of 2021FuPEVPopProjected number of PEVs per 100 peopleNumber of projected PEVs per 100 people per block group at 5% regional penetrationCuPEV_HUCurrent number of PEVs per 100 housing unitsNumber of PEVs per 100 housing units per block group as of 2021FuPEV_HUProjected number of PEVs per 100 housing unitsNumber of projected PEVs per 100 housing units per block group at 5% regional penetrationPerCuPEVCurrent Percentage of Passenger Vehicles That Are PEVsPercentage of total passenger vehicles that are PEVs per block group as of 2021PerFuPEVProjected Percentage of Passenger Vehicles That Are PEVsPercentage of total passenger vehicles that are projected to be PEVs per block group at 5% regional penetrationFC_KDFree Charging - kWh of DemandKilowatt-hours of workplace charging demand per day per block group when workplace charging is free at 5% regional PEV penetrationFC_CEFree Charging - Number of Charging EventsNumber of workplace charging events per day per block group when workplace charging is free at 5% regional PEV penetrationFC_KD_SMFree Charging - kWh of Demand per sq. mi.Kilowatt-hours of workplace charging demand per day per square mile per block group when workplace charging is free at 5% regional PEV penetrationFC_CE_SMFree Charging - Charging Events per sq. mi.Number of workplace charging events per day per square mile per block group when workplace charging is free at 5% regional PEV penetrationFC_KPEFree Charging - kWh per charging eventKilowatt-hours per workplace charging event per block group when workplace charging is free at 5% regional PEV penetrationFC_KD_JBFree Charging - kWh of Demand per JobKilowatt-hours of workplace charging demand per day per job per block group when workplace charging is free at 5% regional PEV penetrationFC_CE_JBFree Charging - Charging Events per JobNumber of workplace charging events per job per block group when workplace charging is free at 5% regional PEV penetrationPC_KDPaid Charging - kWh of DemandKilowatt-hours of workplace charging demand per day per block group when workplace charging is the same cost as home charging at 5% regional PEV penetrationPC_CEPaid Charging - Number of Charging EventsNumber of workplace charging events per day per block group when workplace charging is the same cost as home charging at 5% regional PEV penetrationPC_KD_SMPaid Charging - kWh of Demand per sq. mi.Kilowatt-hours of workplace charging demand per day per square mile per block group when workplace charging is the same cost as home charging at 5% regional PEV penetrationPC_CE_SMPaid Charging - Charging Events per sq. mi.Number of workplace charging events per day per square mile per block group when workplace charging is the same cost as home charging at 5% regional PEV penetrationPC_KPEPaid Charging - kWh per charging eventKilowatt-hours per workplace charging event per block group when workplace charging is the same cost as home charging at 5% regional PEV penetrationPC_KD_JBPaid Charging - kWh of Demand per JobKilowatt-hours of workplace charging demand per day per job per block group when workplace charging is the same cost as home charging at 5% regional PEV penetrationPC_CE_JBPaid Charging - Charging Events per JobNumber of workplace charging events per job per block group when workplace charging is the same cost as home charging at 5% regional PEV penetrationIf you have any questions regarding this analysis or datasets used in the analysis, please contact: Sean Greene, Manager, Air Quality Programs (215) 238-2860
- Creator:
- Provider:
- New Jersey Geographic Information Network (NJGIN) Open Data Portal
- Resource Class:
- Datasets and Web services
- Temporal Coverage:
- Last modified 2025-01-16
- Date Issued:
- 2025-01-16
- Place:
- Rights:
- Access Rights:
- Public
- Format:
- Shapefile
- Language:
- English
- Date Added:
- 2025-01-24