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Full Details
1 map : hand colored; 47 x 56 cm, secundum legitimas projectionis stereographicæ regulas et juxta recentissimas relationes et observationes in subsidium vocatis quoque veterum Leonis Africani Nubiensis Geographi et aliorū monumentis et eleminatis fabulosis aliorum designationibus pro præsenti statu ejus aptius exhibita à Ioh. Matthia Hasio ; Scale approximately 1:20,000,000 ; Relief shown pictorially ; 'Cum privil. S.C.M. nec non S.R.M. Polon et Elect. Sax. A. 1737.' ; Includes text and decorative title cartouche with Africans, Europeans, flora, fauna, etc. ; Noribergæ : In officina Homanniana
Homann Erben (Firm), Hase, Johann Matthias, 1684-1742
In officina Homanniana
Temporal Coverage
No Copyright - United States, The images on this web site, from maps in the collection of the Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies and housed in the Government & Geographic Information Collection of Northwestern University Libraries are in the public domain in the United States, and as such, not subject to copyright restriction. The Libraries request users cite both the URL and Northwestern University Libraries if they wish to reproduce images from the repository. For access to higher resolution images please contact repository@northwestern.edu