This polygon layer delineates the US Congressional District boundaries in New Jersey, 2022 - 2032. For this redistricting, the apportionment is the same as for the previous, 2012 redistricting, resulting in the same number of Congressional Districts; however the boundaries have changed significantly.This version of the layer uses high-quality base map spatial data published by the State of New Jersey, instead of U.S. Census Bureau geographic data (TIGER.) Where no higher-quality data were available, the TIGER lines were used. This layer, which overlays correctly the highest quality municipal boundary data for New Jersey is an unofficial version; by law, the official version is based on U.S. Census data (geographic and demographic.)
The data layer is not survey data and must not be used as survey data. See the balance of this metadata record for conditions that limit appropriate uses. Users are urged to look at this documentation to assess the fitness of the data for any planned use. Acknowledgement of the provider, NJ Office of Information Technology, Office of GIS (NJOGIS), is requested for maps, data or other products derived from these data. The State of New Jersey makes great effort to provide secure, accurate, and complete data and metadata. However, portions of the data and metadata may be incorrect or not current. Any errors or omissions should be reported for investigation.The State of New Jersey, its officers, employees or agents shall not be liable for damages or losses of any kind arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of data and metadata, including but not limited to, damages or losses caused by reliance upon the accuracy or timeliness of any such data and metadata, or damages incurred from the viewing, distributing, or copying of those materials. The data and metadata are provided "as is." No warranty of any kind, implied, expressed, or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and freedom from computer virus, is given with respect to the data and metadata, or its hyperlinks to other Internet resources. The State disclaims any duty or obligation either to maintain availability of or to update the data and metadata. All web site data distribution by NJOGIS is, in addition, subject to the Conditions of Use for State of New Jersey executive branch web sites, listed on the State’s Legal Statement & Disclaimers page .