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Roads Polk County, WI 2022
- Identification Information
- Spatial Reference Information
- Data Quality Information
- Distribution Information
- Spatial Representation Information
- Metadata Reference Information
Identification Information
- Citation
- Title
- Roads Polk County, WI 2022
- Originator
- Polk County
- Publication Date
- 2022-02-28
- Edition
- 2022
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- mapDigital
- Abstract
- This data represents roads for Polk County, Wisconsin in 2022.[Centerline map features of the roads within the County of Polk, Wisconsin. Each segment of the road includes the road name, road type, road direction (if applicable), address ranges, road code, postal community name, and zip code.The creation of the Polk County RURAL NUMBERING SYSTEM (POLK COUNTY FIRE NUMBER ADDRESS SYSTEM) was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Polk County, Wisconsin in 1978. Each of the 24 Towns in Polk County participates in the address and road system. Each of the 12 cities and villages, within the geographic boundary of Polk County, has their own address and road system.The road centerline file includes address ranges per the adopted RURAL NUMBERING SYSTEM and the address and road system adopted by each City and Village in Polk County, Wisconsin.]
- Purpose
- This data is intended for reference and mapping purposes, and may be used for basic applications such as viewing, querying, and map output production, or to provide a basemap to support graphical overlays and analysis with other spatial data. [Addressing, 911, and general mapping purposes.]
- Supplemental Information
- This is an archived copy of the data held at UW-Madison. For access to the most current data available, please visit:
- Temporal Extent
- Time Instant
- 2022-01-01T00:00:00
- Bounding Box
- West
- -92.881296
- East
- -92.135448
- North
- 45.736332
- South
- 45.194195
- ISO Topic Category
- transportation
- Place Keyword
- Polk County
- Place Keyword Thesaurus
- Theme Keyword
Roads, Streets, Transportation
- Theme Keyword Thesaurus
- Resource Constraints
- Use Limitation
- [Polk County, WI provides access to Geographic Information or GIS DATA that is currently maintained by Polk County, WI. The DATA are for illustration purposes and may not be suitable for site-specific decision making. Information found within should not be used for making financial or other commitments. Polk County, WI provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, current, or complete and conclusions drawn from such information are the responsibility of the user. While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy, correctness, and timeliness of the DATA, Polk County, WI assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. The foregoing warning is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties of merchantability, fitness for particular purpose, and/or any other type whether expressed or implied. In no event shall Polk County, WI nor any other data providers become liable to users of this DATA, or any other party, for any loss or direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to time, money, or goodwill, arising from the use or modification of the DATA. Although significant care has been exercised to produce DATA that satisfy mapping accuracy standards, these DATA sets are only as accurate as the source data from which they were compiled. These DATA sets are intended to be advisory and are NOT designed or intended to be used as a substitute for an accurate field survey, as performed by a Registered Land Surveyor, to determine precise property location. To assist Polk County, WI in the maintenance of these DATA sets, users are encouraged to provide Polk County, WI information concerning errors or discrepancies found in the use of the Geographic Information Data. To report an error please contact us. The data contained herein is a matter of public record. ]
- Legal Constraints
- Use Limitation
- Although this data is being distributed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, no warranty expressed or implied is made by the University as to the accuracy of the data and related materials. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the University in the use of this data, or related materials.
- Status
- completed
- Maintenance and Update Frequency
- unknown
- Language
- eng
- Credit
- Polk County [Department of Land Information, County of Polk, Wisconsin.]
- Point of Contact
- Contact
- Polk County
- Delivery Point
- 100 Polk County Plaza
- City
- Balsam Lake
- Administrative Area
- WI
- Postal Code
- 54810
- Country
- US
- Phone
- (715) 485-9279
Spatial Reference Information
- Reference System Identifier
- Code
- 3071
- Code Space
- Version
- 10.015
Data Quality Information
- Quantitative Attribute Accuracy Report
- Lineage
- Process Step
- Description
- Provided access to archived data at UW-Madison.
- Process Date
- 2022-02-28T00:00:00
Distribution Information
- Format Name
- File Geodatabase Feature Class
- Format Version
- 10.7
- Distributor
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Distributor
- Polk County
- Online Access
- Protocol
- WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download
- Name
- GeoData@Wisconsin
- Function
- download
Spatial Representation Information
- Vector
- Topology Level
- geometryOnly
- Vector Object Type
- curve
- Vector Object Count
- 8905
Metadata Reference Information
- Hierarchy Level
- dataset
- Metadata File Identifier
- 21BDDA4A-BC9E-4E36-8CC1-FD2D385E0DFA
- Metadata Point of Contact
- Name
- Arthur H. Robinson Map Library
- Position Name
- Metadata Technician
- Delivery Point
- 550 N. Park Street
- City
- Madison
- Administrative Area
- WI
- Postal Code
- 53706
- Country
- US
- Phone
- (608) 262-1471
- Metadata Date Stamp
- 2022-02-28
- Metadata Standard Name
- ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification
- Metadata Standard Version
- 2007
- Character Set
- utf8