Census Blocks with Geographic Codes Southwestern PA: Pennsylvania, 2010
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
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Census Blocks with Geographic Codes Southwestern PA: Pennsylvania, 2010
This file can be used as a tool to append geographic codes to geocoded point data. The file was developed by Pitt's Center for Social and Urban Research and provides the county, census tract, county subarea/municipality, Allegheny County Council District, PA House and Senate District numbers, school district, and Zip codes. Also included from the City of Pittsburgh: neighborhoods, wards, City Council election districts, and City administrative boundaries, including Permits Licenses and Inspection administrative zones, Public Works administrative zones, Fire districts, and Police zones. The file contains data from Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Lawrence, Washington, and Westmoreland Counties in Pennsylvania.
Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center (2016). Census Blocks with Geographic Codes Southwestern PA: Pennsylvania, 2010. . https://data.wprdc.org/dataset/2010-census-blocks-with-geographic-codes-southwestern-pa (dataset)