Gulf Coral & Hardbottom (Southeast Blueprint Indicator) [U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service] Full Details
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- Title:
- Gulf Coral & Hardbottom (Southeast Blueprint Indicator) [U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service]
- Description:
- Reason for SelectionHardbottom provides an anchor for important seafloor habitats such as deep-sea corals, plants, and sponges. Hardbottom is also sometimes associated with chemosynthetic communities that form around cold seeps or hydrothermal vents. In these unique ecosystems, micro-organisms that convert chemicals into energy form the base of complex food webs (Love et al. 2013). Hardbottom and associated species provide important habitat structure for many fish and invertebrates (NOAA 2018). Hardbottom areas serve as fish nursery, spawning, and foraging grounds, supporting commercially valuable fisheries like snapper and grouper (NCDEQ 2016).According to Dunn and Halpin (2009), "hardbottom habitats support high levels of biodiversity and are frequently used as a surrogate for it in marine spatial planning." Artificial reefs arealso known to provide additional habitat that is quickly colonized to provide a suite of ecosystem services commonly associated with naturally occurring hardbottom (Wu et al. 2019). We did not include active oil and gas structures as human-created hardbottom. Although they provide habitat, because of their temporary nature, risk of contamination, and contributions to climate change, they do not have the same level of conservation value as other artificial structures.Input DataSoutheast Blueprint 2024 extentSoutheast Blueprint 2024 subregionsCoral & hardbottomusSEABED Gulf of Mexico sediments, accessed 12-14-2023; download the data; view and read more about the data on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Gulf of Mexico Atlas (select Physical --> Marine geology --> 1. Dominant bottom types and habitats)Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Gulf of Mexicoseismic water bottom anomalies, accessed 12-20-2023The Nature Conservancy's (TNC)South Atlantic Bight Marine Assessment(SABMA); chapter 3 ofthe final reportprovides more detail on the seafloor habitats analysisNOAA deep-sea coral and sponge locations, accessed 12-20-2023 on theNOAA Deep-Sea Coral & Sponge Map PortalFlorida coral and hardbottom habitats, accessed 12-19-2023Shipwrecks & artificial reefsNOAA wrecks and obstructions layer, accessed 12-12-2023 on theMarine CadastreLouisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) Artificial Reefs: Inshore Artificial Reefs, Nearshore Artificial Reefs, Offshore and Deepwater Artificial Reefs (Google Earth/KML files), accessed 12-19-2023Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) Artificial Reefs, accessed 12-19-2023; download the data fromThe Artificial Reefs Interactive Mapping Application(direct download from interactive mapping application)Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (MDMR) Artificial Reef Bureau: Inshore Reefs, Offshore Reefs, Rigs to Reef (lat/long coordinates), accessed 12-19-2023Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) Artificial Reefs: Master Alabama Public Reefs v2023 (.xls), accessed 12-19-2023Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC):Artificial Reefs in Florida(.xlsx), accessed 12-19-2023Defining inland extent & split with AtlanticMarine Ecoregions Level III from the Commission for Environmental Cooperation North American Environmental Atlas, accessed 12-8-20212023NOAA coastal relief model: volumes 2 (Southeast Atlantic), 3 (Florida and East Gulf of Mexico), 4 (Central Gulf of Mexico), and 5 (Western Gulf of Mexico), accessed 3-27-2024National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)Characterizing Spatial Distributions of Deep-sea Corals and Hardbottom Habitats in the U.S. Southeast Atlantic;read the final report; data shared prior to official release on 2-4-2022 by Matt Poti with the NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) ( Modeling and Mapping of Hardbottom Seafloor Habitats off the Southeast U.S: unpublished NOAA data anddraft final report entitled Assessment of Benthic Habitats for Fisheries Managementprovided on 1-28-2021 by Matt Poti with NOAA NCCOS ( StepsNote: Most of the mapping steps were accomplished using the graphical modeler in QGIS 3.34. Individual models were created to combine data sources and assign ranked values. These models were combined in a single model to assemble all the data sources and create a summary raster.Create a seamless vector layer to constrain the extent of the Atlantic coral and hardbottom indicator to marine and estuarine areas <1 m in elevation. This defines how far inland it extends.Merge together all coastal relief model rasters (.nc format) using the create virtual raster tool in QGIS.Save the merged raster to .tif format and import it into ArcPro.Reclassify the NOAA coastal relief model data to assign a value of 1 to areas from deep marine to 1 m elevation. Assign all other areas (land) a value of 0.Convert the raster produced above to vector using the raster to polygon tool.Clip to the 2024 Blueprint subregions using the pairwise clip tool.Hand-edit to remove terrestrial polygons (one large terrestrial polygon and the Delmarva peninsula).Dissolve the resulting data layer to produce a seamless polygon defining marine and estuarine areas <1 m in elevation.Hand-edit to select all but the main marine polygon and delete.Define the extent of the Gulf version of this indicator to separate it from the Atlantic. This split reflects the extent of the different datasets available to represent coral and hardbottom habitat in the Atlantic and Gulf, rather than a meaningful ecological transition.Use the select tool to select the Florida Keys class from the Level III marine ecoregions ("NAME_L3 = 'Florida Keys'").Buffer the "Florida Keys" Level III marine ecoregion by 2 km to extend it far enough inland to intersect the inland edge of the <1 m elevation layer.Reclassify the two NOAA Atlantic hardbottom suitability datasets to give all non-NoData pixels a value of 0. Combine the reclassified hardbottom suitability datasets to define the total extent of these data. Convert the raster extent to vector and dissolve to create a polygon representing the extent of both NOAA hardbottom datasets.Union the buffered ecoregion with the combined NOAA extent polygon created above. Add a field and use it to dissolve the unioned polygons into one polygon. This leaves some holes inside the polygon, so use the eliminate polygon part tool to fill in those holes, then convert the polygon to a line.Hand-edit to extract the resulting line between the Gulf and Atlantic.Hand-edit to use this line to split the <1 m elevation layer created earlier in the mapping steps to create the separation between the Gulf and Atlantic extent.From the BOEM seismic water bottom anomaly data, extract the following shapefiles: anomaly_confirmed_relic_patchreefs.shp, anomaly_Cretaceous.shp, anomaly_relic_patchreefs.shp, seep_anomaly_confirmed_buried_carbonate.shp, seep_anomaly_confirmed_carbonate.shp, seep_anomaly_confirmed_organisms.shp, seep_anomaly_positives.shp, seep_anomaly_positives_confirmed_gas.shp, seep_anomaly_positives_confirmed_oil.shp, seep_anomaly_positives_possible_oil.shp, seep_anomaly_confirmed_corals.shp, seep_anomaly_confirmed_hydrate.shp.To create a class of confirmed BOEM features, merge anomaly_confirmed_relic_patchreefs.shp, seep_anomaly_confirmed_organisms.shp, seep_anomaly_confirmed_corals.shp, and seep_anomaly_confirmed_hydrate.shp and assign a value of 6.To create a class of predicted BOEM features, merge the remaining extracted shapefiles and assign a value of 3.From usSEABED sediments data, use the field "gom_domnc" to extract polygons: rock (dominant and subdominant) receives a value of 2 and gravel (dominant and subdominant) receives a value of 1.From the wrecks database, extract locations having "high" and "medium" confidence (positionQuality = "high" and positionQuality = "medium"). Buffer these locations by 150 m and assign a value of 4. The buffer distance used here, and later for coral locations, follows guidance from the Army Corps of Engineers for setbacks around artificial reefs and fish havens (Riley et al. 2021).Merge artificial reef point locations from FL, AL, MS and TX. Buffer these locations by 150 m. Merge this file with the three LA artificial reef polygons and assign a value of 5.From the NOAA deep-sea coral and sponge point locations, select all points. Buffer the point locations by 150 m and assign a value of 7.From the FWC coral and hardbottom dataset polygon locations, fix geometries, reproject to EPSG=5070, then assign coral reefs a value of 7, hardbottom a value of 6, hardbottom with seagrass a value of 6, and probable hardbottom a value of 3. Hand-edit to remove an erroneous hardbottom polygon off of Matagorda Island, TX, resulting from a mistake by Sheridan and Caldwell (2002) when they digitized a DOI sediment map. This error is documented on page 6 of the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council's5-Year Review of the Final Generic Amendment Number 3.From the TNC SABMA data, fix geometries and reproject to EPSG=5070, then select all polygons with TEXT_DESC = '01. mapped hard bottom area' and assign a value of 6.Union all of the above vector datasets together—except the vector for class 6 that combines the SABMA and FL data—and assign final indicator values. Class 6 had to be handled separately due to some unexpected GIS processing issues. For overlapping polygons, this value will represent the maximum value at a given location.Clip the unioned polygon dataset to the buffered marine subregions.Convert both the unioned polygon dataset and the separate vector layer for class 6 using GDAL "rasterize".Fill NoData cells in both rasters with zeroes and, using Extract by Mask, mask the resulting raster with the Gulf indicator extent. Adding zero values helps users better understand the extent of this indicator and to make this indicator layer perform better in online tools.Use the raster calculator to evaluate the maximum value among the two rasters described above (one for class 6 and one for all other classes). Export the final dataset as an unsigned 8-bit integer raster to ArcPro. Create the raster attribute table using the legend values below.As a final step, clip to the spatial extent of Southeast Blueprint 2024.Note: For more details on the mapping steps, code used to create this layer is available in theSoutheast Blueprint Data Downloadunder > 6_Code.Final indicator valuesIndicator values are assigned as follows:7 = Confirmed hardbottom-associated species (e.g., corals, sponges, patch reef, chemosynthetic communities)6 = Confirmed natural hardbottom5 = Artificial reefs4 = Shipwrecks3 = Probable natural hardbottom (fine resolution)2 = Rock (coarse resolution)1 = Gravel (coarse resolution)0 = Not identified as hardbottomKnown IssuesWhile active oil and gas platforms also provide artificial hardbottom habitat that supports diverse marine life (Claisse et al. 2014), we did not include active drilling sites in this version of the indicator. This decision reflects an attempt to balance the positive structural habitat value of oil and gas platforms with the negative impacts of climate change caused by fossil fuel combustion (e.g., coral bleaching and ocean acidification) (NOAA 2023) and the negative impacts of a potential oil spill (Daley 2019). We intend to further investigate these tradeoffs in future revisions.The shipwrecks class does not account for variation in the condition of submerged structures, such as "black reef" phenomena caused by pollution and invasive species growth around contaminated shipwrecks (Degnarain 2020).This indicator may underprioritize hardbottom and coral habitat in the eastern Gulf of Mexico due to limited data availability. According to the Florida State University Marine Lab, "Most deep-sea research in the Gulf of Mexico has targeted areas important to the oil and gas industry...This research has resulted in significant contributions to the discovery and in some cases the protection of hard bottom and deep-sea reefs. In contrast, the eastern Gulf of Mexico remains relatively unexplored. In fact, it is perhaps the least explored region of the Gulf. Therefore, there is a limited amount of data on their distributions..." This issue particularly impacts the confirmed hardbottom-associated species and predicted fine-resolution hardbottom classes because the BOEM seismic anomalies dataset is limited to the BOEM central and western planning areas in the Gulf of Mexico. As a result, this dataset does not cover state and federal waters around Florida, or other state waters across the Gulf.This indicator underrepresents coral and hardbottom habitat within three Gulf deepwater coral Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (Steamboat Lumps, The Edges, Madison Swanson) where finer scale data on coral and hardbottom is lacking. We hope to improve coverage within these HAPCs in future updates.While this layer has a 30 m resolution, the usSEABED dataset is coarser than that. We downsampled 2 km grid cells to 30 m.Disclaimer: Comparing with Older Indicator VersionsThere are numerous problems with using Southeast Blueprint indicators for change analysis. Please consult Blueprint staff if you would like to do this ( CitedAlabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Artificial Reefs 2023. Microsoft Excel file. Accessed December 19, 2023. 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Report No.: OCS Study BOEM 2022- 038. [].Riley, K.L., Wickliffe, L.C., Jossart, J.A., MacKay, J.K., Randall, A.L., Bath, G.E., Balling, M.B., Jensen, B.M., and Morris, J.A. Jr. 2021. An Aquaculture Opportunity Area Atlas for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 299. Beaufort, NC. 545 pp. [].Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. The Artificial Reefs Interactive Mapping Application. Accessed December 19, 2023. [].Wu, Zhongin, James R. Tweedley, Neil R. Loneragan, Xiumei Zhang. 2019. Artificial reefs can mimic natural habitats for fish and macroinvertebrates in temperate coastal waters of the Yellow Sea. Ecological Engineering, vol 139. [].
- Creator:
- Department of the Interior
- Provider:
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Open Data
- Resource Class:
- Imagery and Web services
- Resource Type:
- Raster data
- Temporal Coverage:
- Last modified 2024-10-09
- Date Issued:
- 2024-07-16
- Place:
- Rights:
- The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. While the Service makes every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of data provided for distribution, it may not have the necessary accuracy or completeness required for every possible intended use. The Service recommends that data users consult the associated metadata record to understand the quality and possible limitations of the data. The Service creates metadata records in accordance with the standards endorsed by the Federal Geographic Data Committee. As a result of the above considerations, the Service gives no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the data. It is the responsibility of the data user to use the data in a manner consistent with the limitations of geospatial data in general and these data in particular. Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the Service, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the utility of the data on another system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. This applies to the use of the data both alone and in aggregate with other data and information.
- Access Rights:
- Public
- Format:
- Imagery
- Language:
- English
- Date Added:
- 2024-10-26