OpenStreetMap contains roughly 504.6 thousand km of roads in this region. Based on AI-mapped estimates, this is approximately 94 % of the total road length in the dataset region. The average age of data for the region is 3 years ( Last edited 5 months ago ) and 37% of roads were added or updated in the last 6 months. Read about what this summary means : [indicators]( , [metrics]( OpenStreetMap exports for use in GIS applications. This theme includes all OpenStreetMap features in this area matching ( Learn what tags means [here]( ) : tags['highway'] IS NOT NULL Features may have these attributes: - [name]( - [name:en]( - [highway]( - [surface]( - [smoothness]( - [width]( - [lanes]( - [oneway]( - [bridge]( - [layer]( - [source]( - [name:pau]( This dataset is one of many [OpenStreetMap exports on HDX]( See the [Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team]( website for more information.