Gelman Site of 1,4-Dioxane Contamination - All Bore Locations [Michigan] Full Details
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Full Details
- Title:
- Gelman Site of 1,4-Dioxane Contamination - All Bore Locations [Michigan]
- Description:
- To improve EGLE's data visualizations of the Gelman Site project data and to develop an interactive 3D virtual conceptual site model (VCSM), EGLE utilizes RockWorks, an integrated geological database, analysis, and visualization software developed by RockWare, Inc. The locations included in this feature layer include all bore and sample locations that are in the current RockWorks project database (Gelman3.sqlite v20210429). Data tied to each location includes lithological information, 1,4-dioxane sample results, and groundwater level measurements.The custom pop-up displays the standardized bore location name and the following information:Well Type:includes one of the following: Monitoring Well, Residential Well, Extraction Well, Injection Well, Horizontal Well, Test Boring, Seismic Interpolation Point, Surface Water, or other. Ground Elevation:elevation in feet at thepoint extracted from the March 2019 LiDAR digital elevation model from Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG). Units are in feet referenced to the North American Vertical Datum 1988 (Geoid12B).Collar Elevation:the top of well casing elevation used for reference when collecting groundwater level measurements. Source of information includes the EGLE Access database and supplemented with boring log or well construction records if available.Total Depth:feet below ground surface to the well or boring terminus. Source of information includes the EGLE Access database and supplemented with boring log or well construction records if available.ScreenInterval: depth below ground surface to the top and bottom of the well screen. Source of information includes the EGLE Access database and supplemented with boring log or well construction records if available.Used for Lithology Model: yes/no field indicating if the location has associated lithological information that was used for input into the RockWorks lithology 3d solid voxel model.Used for Max Groundwater Elevation Model:yes/no field indicating if the location has associated groundwater level measurements that were was used as input for the Maximum Groundwater Elevation Model.Used for Geochem Models:yes/no field indicating the location has associated 1,4-dioxane results used as input to create the annual (1986 - 2020) 3d solid voxel models and 2d grid surface files.Additionalfields specifying source of information, such as source of northing and eastings, can be viewed within the attribute table.Boring logs and well construction documents, if available, are stored as attachments and can be viewed by clicking on the hyperlink.At the bottom of the pop-up, the "Show Related Records"link will open up separate windows showing the lithology, water level measurements, or 1,4-dioxane results that are associated with the selected location. This is a previous version of the bore locations data. The newest vintage is available at:Gelman Site of 1,4-Dioxane Contamination - All Bore Locations Layer Group (2023 Data).This data is used in theGelman Site of 1,4-Dioxane Contamination web map(item details).If you have questions regarding the Gelman Sciences, Inc site of contamination contactChris Svoboda at 517-256-2849 or problems or data functionality suggestions
- Creator:
- Michigan Dept. of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
- Provider:
- State of Michigan Open Data Portal
- Resource Class:
- Datasets and Web services
- Resource Type:
- Temporal Coverage:
- Last modified 2021-12-09
- Date Issued:
- 2021-05-28
- Place:
- Rights:
- This application or dataset, along with any maps, data, content and other information contained within it and all output from the application (together the “Information”), is provided as a public service, and there are no restrictions on the use, reproduction, or distribution of the Information. It is your responsibility to use the Information for a legally permissible purpose. This Information is provided “AS IS” and on an “AS AVAILABLE” basis. The State of Michigan (“State”) makes no warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, timeliness, or completeness of this Information. THE STATE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS INFORMATION, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. THE STATE WILL NOT BE LIABLE, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, FOR ANY CLAIM FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS AND LOST BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, RELATED TO THE ACCESS OR USE OF THIS INFORMATION. IN NO EVENT WILL THE STATE BE LIABLE FOR ANY AMOUNTS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE ACCESS OR USE OF THIS INFORMATION, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE. By accessing or using this Information, you agree that you will not make any claims against the State or any of its departments, divisions, officers, or employees related to your use of the Information. These terms are governed by and interpreted under the laws of the State of Michigan without regard to conflict of laws provisions. Nothing in these terms is meant to impact or replace any existing rights or licenses, such as copyright, trademark, or patent protections, in materials or content that may be located on the site or portal containing the Information.
- Access Rights:
- Public
- Format:
- Shapefile
- Language:
- English
- Date Added:
- 2023-03-08