color map; 53 x 84 cm, folded to 10 x 23 cm
Scale 1:62,500 (W 88°30ʹ--W 88°00ʹ/N 37°45ʹ--N 37°33ʹ) ; Revised and reprinted 1928. ; Originally published in: Geology and mineral resources of the Equality-Shawneetown area (parts of Gallatin and Saline Counties) / Charles Butts. Urbana, Ill. : State of Illinois, Department of Registration and Education, Division of the State Geological Survey, 1925. (Bulletin No. 47). ; Relief shown by contours and spot heights. ; 'Surveyed in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey.' ; 'Topographic mapping in 1913-1914 ; geologic mapping in 1917-1918.' ; 'A. Hoen & Co., Balto. Md.' ; In upper margin: 'Northern part of Equality quadrangle -- Northwest part of Shawneetown quadrangle.' ; 'Bulletin 47, Plate I.' ; Includes location map, columnar section, and 3 profiles.; Source: Bulletin (Illinois State Geological Survey) ; no. 47, plate I.